Monday, December 31, 2012

Belle's Cottage Preview

I am finally getting around to posting about my adventures in New Fantasyland, yay! This is the story of the day back in September 2012 when I first stepped foot in New Fantasyland.

It was my friend Beatrice's birthday so we all met up at EPCOT on a rainy Saturday afternoon.

epcot group

The rain didn't last long because it knew it was Beatrice's birthday and the sun needed to come out! Someone read a tip on Twitter that they were letting people in to a preview of Belle's Cottage in New Fantasyland so we hopped the monorail over to the Magic Kingdom. We had a fun ride over to the Magic Kingdom all excited about the possibility of stepping foot into New Fantasyland so early!

When we got to the Magic Kingdom, we pretty much ran for the entrance to New Fantasyland. We were pleased to see that the tip on Twitter was correct and we were ushered behind the walls of NEW FANTASYLAND!!

new fantasyland belles cottage

This was the perfect spot for a group photo! We were all SO excited to be a part of one of the very first previews!!

belles cottage group photo

We made our way down to the queue for Belle's Cottage which was the only attraction open at this time. Another awesome group shot spot can be found at the well (wink, wink to all LOST fans).

belles well group shot

Construction progress at Be Our Guest, it's so funny to look back at this now that I've been through there so many times since this was taken!

new fantasyland construction

While we waited in the queue, we had fun taking photos and enjoying each other's company. It is so wonderful to be part of a group of like minded people who totally geek out over events like this!

belles well

I really loved all of the details they put in to make you feel like you were walking into a cottage in France.

belles wheel
belles cottage queue
belles cottage queue
belles cottage queue

When we walked into the house, I noticed immediately how much it felt like a lived-in home. Although it was brand new, Disney sprinkled their magic and made the house feel cozy.

belles cottage hearth
belles cottage interior

We didn't get to spend nearly enough time in the front room before we were ushered into the next room. The Castmember did a good job of setting the stage and getting us excited to relive Belle and Beast's love story. All of a sudden, the lights go out and you are treated to what I think is one of the most advanced pieces of Disney magic to date. The mirror in front of you magically expands and turns into a hallway that you walk through! If you don't believe me, let the videos in the playlist below tell the story!

When we left, many of us thanked the Imagineers standing around the room. This experience was pure Disney magic at its finest!

pardon our dust

Read more about this experience from my friends' perspectives:

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