It was such a nice day and the walk was just what we needed. Pretty soon we reached Downtown Disney!
The first order of business was breakfast. I guess I was behind in my WDW knowledge because I thought McDonald's was still there. We were pleasantly surprised by their replacement, Pollo Campero! SO much better than McDonalds!
I actually had cake for breakfast so I watched Jason eat his breakfast sandwich with a side of bacon!
After breakfast, we strolled around for awhile and went shopping. I never realized how many cute photo opportunities there are at Downtown Disney!!
I couldn't help myself, Mr. Potato Head is one of my favorites!!
After our gaming break, we tried to find swimwear for our spa appointments that afternoon. In all the craziness the week before our trip, I had forgotten to pack swimsuits! I knew there were whirlpools at the spa so I figured we needed swimsuits. I struck out but Jason found a good pair of trunks on sale :) We found a few more photo opportunities on our way around!
This is one of the coolest sculptures at the Lego store!!!
Before we left, we stopped by Arribas Bros to see if we could get mugs engraved. The lady didnt have anything but she called the Main Street store and talked to the artist for me. He said he could do something for us so we stopped in there later in our trip. They even ship things home for free! I had to get a picture of this Chernabog sculpture, I WANT!!
We took the monorail to the Magic Kingdom and a lady told us that she was married at the Wedding Pavilion 10 years ago. She said its nice to bring her son here now, he was in a stroller. That will be us soon!! I loved talking to other guests about the wedding. It will be kind of a bummer on future trips not to be congratulated all the time so we won't feel special. But, I guess everyone is treated like a VIP in Walt Disney World :)
Finally we made it back to Saratoga Springs for spa time and massages!
We did the 50 minute couples aromatherapy massage and it was worth every penny! We both really enjoyed it. But, I did not know that the whirlpools were in the locker rooms. So, Jason and I couldn't soak together. I never even ended up using my bathing suit! We were so relaxed and sleepy that we ended up cancelling our reservation at Le Cellier and hanging around the resort. No worries, we will eat at Le Cellier in February 2012! By late afternoon I was positively starving because all I had to eat all day was a slice of wedding cake and a few samples at Pollo Campero. So, we hit up the Artist's Palette!
Sorry, no food porn pictures :( I was so dazed that I totally forgot to take pictures of the food! I had the chicken nuggets and Jason had the Smith Stack. Both were absolutely delicious!! We spent the next hour planning our day for WDW's 40th anniversary. We were getting so excited to meet our Disney online friends!!
Since I had to get up at 3AM for hair and makeup for bridal portraits the next morning, we stayed in that night to rest up. We never even ended up going to one of the parks. It was a nice relaxing day!
Oh boy, bridal portraits are up next!!
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