Open all of your bags before you get to the front of the line. If you have any bags inside of your bag, take them out of the larger bag and open them. For example, if you have a small makeup bag inside of your tote bag, then take out the makeup bag and have both bags open on the table ready for inspection. If you have a stroller, take all bags out of the stroller and put them on the table for inspection. Every bag that you bring into a Disney Park will be checked!
Open all camera bags and remove the camera. After going through Disney Security Inspection a few times, I started removing my camera from my bag because I knew they would just ask me to remove it anyway. You want to give them very little to go through so that you can pass through inspection as quickly as possible. I have noticed that they pay special attention to the bottom of the bag and they briefly feel the exterior. They are looking to make sure that you are not carrying any weapons or explosives into the park.
I have found that if I have all of my bags open and ready for the inspection, the security guard can tell that I know what I am doing and they let me go through very quickly. I also give the security guard my trademark smile and I have had some wonderful interactions with them. My favorite is when they call me "Princess"!
Keep these tips in mind the next time you pass through bag inspection! Have a magical day :)
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