On the last day of our Disneymoon, we decided to wake up early at 5:45AM, we had a lot to do! We got up, got dressed, and finished packing. I couldn't believe it was almost over but to tell you the truth this trip had been so hectic that I wasn't really sad it was over. I was ready to go home. But I was so sad to throw away some wedding cake :(

We got our bags over to the Magical Express Airline Checkin and the Castmembers recognized us from our Bridal Portraits a few days before! We had fun telling them all about the wedding and the portraits :)
We had been to the Artist's Palette for dinner but never breakfast so we went to try it for the first time. I love breakfast food and this place did not disappoint! Yummy! After that we hopped a bus to Hollywood Studios, and then a short walk to the Boardwalk for another WDWRadio meet!
Jason had never been to the Boardwalk before and we had fun walking around so early in the morning. There were just a handful of people there, mostly around the Boardwalk Bakery which was where we were headed!

This is for you, Jackie ;) I can't wait to see your wedding pictures!!!

And this one is for you, Jess...we think so alike that we took the exact same picture :D

MMM time for some Tea at the Boardwalk Bakery! Too bad we were stuffed from breakfast at the Artist's Palette, these are for next time!

Of course we were the first ones there so we sat and enjoyed some hot tea and coffee.

Slowly others began to arrive at the meet we got to talk to so many more new friends! We hung out till around 11AM and then split to go meet some of my WDWMagic and Twitter friends for slushies in France!! This was an impromptu meet that I sort of organized during the week while we were honeymoonin'.

We entered through International Gateway and when we came over the bridge into France, I spotted a really nice camera and thought, hey Holly has a camera like that...omg that is Holly!! It was a slow motion moment in my life as she ran towards me. I can just hear the Running montage music now...
We were all there nearly an hour early. Love it!! It was so great meeting them!! They were both so sweet. Of course Holly and I bonded over being Disney Wedding Alumni :D
Not too long after, Jess and her Mom met up with us so we all got a picture. It was wonderful!! WDWMagic girls represent!!

Then Holly & Brett went for more Food & Wine and we hung out to meet my twitter friend, Bobby. I'm looking forward to more slushies with you, my friend!

After the impromptu meet, we ended up hanging out all day with Jess and her Mom, Diana. It was so fun! I feel like they are family now. We walked around sharing Food & Wine for awhile and it was perfect! There is so much food there that you cannot eat it all and all I wanted was a bite anyway. It was nice to share a bunch of things between the group. Unfortunately, I never took pictures of any of it! I think by that point, Jason and I were done posing for pictures and wanted to just enjoy our last day.
The last order of business for our trip was the Touring Plans meet at La Hacienda. We made our way over there and I stumbled into a few people that I follow on Twitter who were wearing name tags with their Twitter info. That was so smart and I'm definitely going to start doing that! I had to take a picture of me and another Shelley because we both spell our name the same way!

I saw Henry Work from TouringPlans and immediately gave him a big hug which must be difficult for him since I'm so short and he's so tall!! We also got to meet Sara Bricker and she was just so sweet. We walked in with her chatting about our Disney obsession. It was a fantastic meet and I was so pleased to be in the presence of so many Disney fans!! Next time we need nametags for sure!

This was the first meet that I've been to where they provided food and alcohol! Everything was delicious!

As we ate, we got to talk to different people passing by including WDWMagic's own Tom Bricker! Too bad we didn't get a picture. Next time, my friend!
The meet went too fast and it was time for us to get back to Saratoga Springs to catch the Magical Express to go home :( On our way out, we took a photo with Matt Hochberg of StudiosCentral.com!

And that's a wrap! I am so happy that the wedding and honeymoon went so well. It actually exceeded my expectations and I feel so incredibly lucky that we not only had a great time but we were able to share it with so many new friends! I wasn't sad to be going home. I made friendships on this trip that will last a lifetime and I cannot wait to go back in February 2012 to begin our relocation to Orlando!!
I want to thank everybody who invested the time in reading this trip report and those who participated in my wedding planning journal. You are all my friends and I hope we can meet in person someday.
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